Do you have a child who loves fire stations, trucks, and firefighters? Have you thought about having their birthday party at a fire station? My son had his third birthday party at the Bellaire Fire Station, and it was one of our favorite parties. There was no fee for the party, so I gave the station a donation. I also put together a basket of sweets, fruit, and vegetables for the firefighters. The party was one of the most accessible parties to plan. I called the station to book the event. We showed up at the station a few minutes before the party and had a blast.
I didn’t need to go all out on decorations, which wasted much preparation time. I purchased and provided fire hats for the kids. The firefighters gave us a tour. We toured the fire trucks, the ambulance, and the police car. The kids could see a firefighter dress up in his gear, drive the wheel, climb on the truck, spray water from the hose, and more. After the tour, we walked to the park across from the fire station. We enjoyed cupcakes, played together, and had a piñata.